Friday, April 30, 2010

Reasons Why You Should Have Health Insurance

When someone calls me and asks me for a quote I am very glad to help them.  It lets me know two things right away about the person calling.  1.  You don't have health insurance and 2.  The price is how you will determine which plan you will choose.  Insurance by definition means the transfer of risk in exchange for payment.  I have a continually growing list of people who call to get quotes and don't necessarily balk at the price but don't call back.  Here are the biggest reasons to have and keep health insurance.
A.  Health insurance helps to ensure that you and your family are protected against the financial hardships that may result from health care costs.  More that 60% of bankruptcies are due to medical bills.  Do not take the risk of going uninsured and having a truck take you out.  You cannot predict the future.
B.  Just by owning an insurance plan your costs will be less than individuals who do not have it.  Most providers and hospitals will negotiate their fees with the insurance company.  On average BlueCross BlueShield, South Carolina's largest network, can negotiate 48% lower fees than those without coverage.
C.  Health Insurance means healthier people.  If you have insurance you are more likely to see a doctor before the condition worsens and is more expensive to treat
D.  Hospitals can put liens on your home if you haven't paid your bills.
I think these are the most important reasons to have insurance.  Do your homework and see for yourself but if you have any questions see me here.
Brandon Vincent
Alpine Agency

T: +843.532.8367 
F: +843.971.1813
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