Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Small Business Tax Credit

One of the latest efforts to come out of the Health Care Reform Bill is the small business tax credit section.  What they have managed to do here is create a great incentive for businesses and give more motivation to allow employees an affordable health plan.

If you are a business owner and have less than 26 employees, and they average less than $50,000 annually, and the employer contributes 50% or more then your company is eligible for a small business tax credit up to 35%.  

This is one of the more highlighted features to come out of the health reform bill to date.  What the health department is trying to create here is a system of small businesses that can provide quality health coverage to its employees.  At first many business owners were complaining that insurance was just too expensive, but this small business tax credit really lightens the burden most owners face.

The small business tax credit is good for tax years 2010-2013, and the credit percentage is on the amount of the premiums the employer pays for its employees.  Now is the time to speak with your health professional to learn more about this great incentive.  You may contact the link here for more information.
small business tax credit

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